Nike- Head Coach Conference is an annual event to gather all their Branch Supervisors for the upcoming company news and directions.
Nike HCC 2016 (Macau) VR Showrooming was a project we did in the 1st quarter of 2016, when VR was beginning to be a blazing star. The project was mainly focusing on the training purpose for the staffs. We created a VR short film based on the draft of their future Tokyo Conceptual Store and highlighted all the new services within the virtual environment in order to let their staffs experience and interact with the sense of reality.
It was very successful from the feedback since all the staffs were extremely excited about the VR experience than traditional training, while Nike the company itself found a great improvement that their training contents were more effectively delivered to the staffs.
It is once again proven that there are more people who respond to computer generated learning than traditional methods of teaching. In this case, VR learning is truly an ideal way of engaging them with a particular subject in a manner that they are comfortable with.
For example: if you are a history teacher then your students may have the opportunity to explore a historic building or era in time such as Ancient Greece. They will be able to walk around a Greek city, e.g. Athens, and explore various aspects, often by using touch via the data glove. This is a great way of learning about day to day life in Ancient Greece which brings it to life in a way that books or online media are unable to. Because when people can touch and manipulate objects within a virtual environment, they can surely generate a greater understanding of them. Yet, it doesn’t only apply to objects but people can actually be able to interact with data sets, complex formulae and abstract concepts that they may have previously found inaccessible. To many people, learning by doing is easier than learning by listening.
So what we are saying is that VR can be used in many areas of the curriculum, including maths, English, science, history, geography, languages, newer subjects such as design technology, and so much more! Training has never been easier if the experience is pleasant or enjoyable with higher level of engagement and understanding.
Medium: Interactive VR & Hologram Training Short Film for Ready Use + On-Site Installation